塔莎·凯西,23岁 Develops Dual Passions for Music and Psychology at Trinity and Beyond
塔莎·凯西,23岁, of Avon, Connecticut, is one of four sisters in her family to attend Trinity. 她追随她姐姐的脚步, 诺艾尔·凯西,20岁, 不久,她的妹妹们也来到了校园, 25岁的伊莉斯·凯西和25岁的凯瑟琳·凯西. Her oldest sister, Deanna Casey, graduated from University of Hartford’s Hartt School of Music.
但是信誉最好的网投十大平台的教育并不是塔莎和她的姐妹们共同的. 在父母的支持下, 克里斯和詹妮弗·凯西, 兄弟姐妹组成了他们的家庭乐队, the KC Sisters当时他们都还是孩子. Today, 这个乐队既表演翻唱,也表演原作, 其中很多都是他们自己录制和制作的.
“Tasha and her sisters are such good musicians; I hope that they will continue to perform and gain the wider reputation they very much deserve,信誉最好的网投十大平台的音乐教授说 John Platoff. “I have had the great good fortune to teach four of the five sisters at Trinity. 我请塔莎做我这学期音乐101的助教, 她在各方面都做得很出色.”
在信誉最好的网投十大平台攻读音乐专业的时候, 塔莎还通过第二专业培养了她对心理学的兴趣, eventually being named this year’s President’s Fellow in the Psychology Department.
Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Counseling and Wellness Center Randolph M. Lee 他补充说:“塔莎是一名有天赋的演员,也是一名心理学专业的学生. Since music and psychology share a lot in common—music affects the human body in a lot of different ways—it gave her an opportunity to see even more how her work performing had an impact on her psychology. 在她这学期和她的论文中, 她能把生活的这两个部分融合在一起.”
Here, 塔莎·凯西,23岁 shares how her passions for music and psychology have been cultivated through her Trinity experiences, 以及她希望从信誉最好的网投十大平台毕业后实现的目标:
I love music and want to study it more deeply, and I also want to be a therapist. 我选了普拉托夫教授的"音乐心理学"课程, 在那里我们学到了为什么你喜欢你喜欢的音乐的心理学, 这样我的兴趣就融合在一起了. 我还学过儿童发展方面的课程, psychotherapy, 以及社会心理学, 是什么影响了我成为一名儿童治疗师的目标.
我喜欢和姐妹们在信誉最好的网投十大平台. It’s a really cool experience being here with them because our relationships have become different being at college together than they were living at home growing up. I also like being close to home because I have a band with my sisters, so we can keep rehearsing. 这样更容易见面并根据我们的日程安排进行计划.
It started when I was 3 or 4 years old because both my parents are musicians. 和我的四个姐妹一起,我们为父母表演小节目. 我妈觉得这主意不错, 所以我们开始在老年中心表演, 我们一开始是免费的, just for fun. 10年前, 我和姐姐们决定我们喜欢一起做音乐, so we started performing at festivals and rehearsing more regularly and seriously as the KC Sisters. 我们写了很多原创和原创安排, 不仅在新英格兰,还在加利福尼亚和纳什维尔演出. 我们的音乐类型是“节奏和乡村”,就像R&B,乡村音乐,还有一点民间音乐. 我父母对他们的音乐有各种各样的兴趣, 我们听着很多音乐长大, 所以我们的音乐受到了很多不同流派的影响.
How have you balanced your time studying at Trinity and performing with the KC Sisters?
气氛很紧张, 尤其是在有很多演出的时候, 比如圣诞节、四月和五月, 哪周也是期末周. It hasn’t always been easy because we rehearse three times a week for three hours each, 除了我的双学位和在校的工作之外, 但在我们教授的支持下,它是可控的.
我是……的副总裁 教堂的歌手. 我喜欢教堂歌手,因为首先, 是一群喜欢在校园里唱歌的人, 所以有这样的社区真的很好. It’s also incredibly different from the music I do with the KC Sisters because it’s choral work and religious music, 这需要完全不同的技能. It allows me to grow as a singer instead of limiting myself to music I do with my sisters, and it’s nice to continue going to church on Sundays because I used to do that growing up. My little sister, Elise, is in it, too, so it’s fun seeing her at the rehearsals.
就KC姐妹而言, performances that stood out to me are the Christmas performances that we do every year, 所以我们都有原创的编曲和一些原创歌曲. It’s such a favorite performance that we’re actually trying to do a Christmas album. 我记得我在这里的第一年,我们在尼克儿童频道 美国最有才华的家庭. I’ve never had an experience like that before; being recorded in that way and learning from that experience was interesting. 在教堂歌手, 我们在今年的复活节礼拜上唱歌, and it was the first time I had seen the Chapel crowded for a normal service. 我们每年都这样做 课程和颂歌 at the Chapel, so those are always memorable experiences because the Chapel fills up for those, too.
My senior thesis in psychology is how digital media consumption affects the development of disordered eating. 我在关注媒体上的话题,比如身体羞辱, which a lot of kids grow up with—actually affect how people develop their eating and exercise habits, 人们对自己外表的关注程度如何, 以及它如何对人们的心理健康产生负面影响. 为了我的音乐毕业设计, 我和我的乐队录了三首歌,其中一首是原创的, “都怪威士忌,一首爵士乐的标准歌曲叫做《信誉最好的网投十大平台》,” and a mashup that we would also put on the Christmas album of “Joy to the World” by Three Dog Night and “Joy to the World,圣诞颂歌. 我们录了那三首歌, and I’m going to try to put those on Apple Music and other music platforms to get them streaming before I graduate.
普拉托夫教授对我这个音乐家产生了巨大的影响. 我和他一起上了很多音乐史和音乐理论课. He was the first music professor to ever explain music theory to me in a way that was understandable and also a way that I could apply to music. He made music history more engaging than any other professor I’ve had before. 我们会学习音乐, 谈谈这些作曲家的生活,以及他们为什么做出这些决定, and what was going on in the culture at the time—all those aspects of music that people don’t think are connected, 但实际上是, 为什么作曲家会这样写. Then you start seeing how it is connected to the way you write the music you write, 所以它适用于你的生活.
Professor Lee has really changed how I am as a musician and a psychologist. I’ve been able to have a lot of conversations with him about the way that a lot of people don’t have access to healthcare or mental health resources, and the conversations have really helped me figure out what I want to do with my life. 他是一个强调我的创造力而不是他的想法的教授. 他对我的乐队很感兴趣. He has come to a lot of our shows and had conversations about the psychology of music. He’s helped me combine my interests in a way that not a lot of people have been able to talk to me about.
毕业后我有两个计划:今年夏天, KC姐妹做了很多音乐, 我们在录圣诞专辑. We have all the arrangements done, so we’re just trying to get access now to a studio to record it. I’m really excited for that because it’s those processes that take a lot more time than people think, 所以基本上要花一整个夏天. Then I’m getting my master’s degree in social work at the University of Connecticut, 这样我就可以获得执照,开始做咨询师或治疗师, 要么是婚姻, parents, or children.